Our Team

*The following contains each Staff Member's bio, as described by the students and fellow staff members, who know them best.

white and green wooden board
white and green wooden board

Teacher: Mrs. Kate Hall

Instructional Aide: Ms. Rebecca

Behavioral Aide: Ms. Lori

(Former)Behavioral Aide: Mr. Ian

Counselor: Ms. Heather

Occupational Therapist: Ms. Caitlin

Speech & Language Pathologist: Ms. Ursyla

Behavior Specialist: Ms. Bridget

Adapted P.E. Specialist: Coach Turtle

  • She helps friends out when they're having a hard time, and makes them feel good.

  • She makes learning fun...sometimes.

  • She gives amazing hugs.

  • I love her because she has a big...heart.

  • She has a nice smile.

  • I love you, Mrs. Hall

  • She responds to more names than anyone should be able to keep track of.

  • She is always available to offer a fidget to a friend in need.

  • She is our official (unpaid) classroom photographer

  • I love to play blocks with her.

  • I love her. She makes me smile.

  • She is a great hugger.

  • She LOVES her cute dog, Whiskey!

  • Her ability to jump in and help at just the right time is uncanny.

  • She is the BEST at keeping everyone in class safe.

  • She helps me draw the cool things that I like.

  • She has a huge heart!

  • Her laugh is awesome!

  • He is tall.

  • He is good at making funny faces.

  • He is the best, when he's really nice.

  • I miss him whenever he leaves.

  • I love him and miss him in our class.

  • She is very kind and super nice.

  • She has a gentle and kind personality.

  • Her office is so fun to hang out and play with all her toys.

  • She is cute and always nice to me.

  • She is the BEST counselor.

  • She always brings fun toys for us to play with.

  • I like her computer.

  • She has beautiful, shiny hair and the fuzziest jacket.

  • I love playing with her and Carlos on the playground.

  • I like when she invites other kids to join in.

  • She has the coolest drawing boards for us to use.

  • All her tools help me do my work better.

  • She lets me cuddle her narwhal after activities.

  • Her goofiness is my favorite thing about her.

  • She lets me make mistakes and never gets mad.

  • She is artistic and perfect the way she is!

  • It is always a fun day when she walks in the door.

  • Her hair is red and makes me happy.

  • Her smile is contagious and pretty.

  • What's not to love?

  • She is so exciting, wicked fun, and nice.

  • She always makes me sweat....in a good way.

  • She teaches us how to use our bodies to do cool tricks.

  • Her games are always super creative and challenging.

  • She taught me how to throw and catch a frisbee!